Current Events

Missouri Sues New York for ‘Trump Political Interference’

Missouri Sues New York for ‘Trump Political Interference’

The Missouri Attorney General, Andrew Bailey, has filed a Civil Lawsuit against The State of New York with the claim that New York’s UnJust Lawsuits are a type of Political Interference against Trump, who is a Choice of We The People. Therefore,...

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Supreme Court Rules on ‘Presidential Immunity’

Supreme Court Rules on ‘Presidential Immunity’

The US Supreme Court has ruled that Official Acts The President partakes in qualify as PROTECTION and are Absolute under The US Constitution, thus ‘Presidential Immunity’. Tied to this is ‘Presumptive Immunity’, which are actions The President takes, IN GENERAL,...

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Supreme Court Exonerates January 6th Protesters

Supreme Court Exonerates January 6th Protesters

The US Supreme Court has officially ruled that the “Obstruction” charges placed on The January 6th Protestors are invalid and CANNOT be upheld or substantiated by The Department of Justice (chief prosecuting agency in The Executive Branch). Based on this...

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Trump vs Biden Debate Revealed ‘Operation Mockingbird’

Trump vs Biden Debate Revealed ‘Operation Mockingbird’

The First (and mostly like last — with Biden) Presidential Debate has come and gone. The initial thoughts, in the atmosphere, leading up to The Debate was that Biden went to Camp David for a week of “prep”, but that...

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‘Amazon Files’ Expose Book Censorship

‘Amazon Files’ Expose Book Censorship

The Biden Administration, behind the scenes, has been COERCING Amazon to censor certain books. This information has come to revelation via The Judiciary GOP & Weaponization Committees in The House of Representatives. These committees brought forth internal communications from Amazon,...

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Julian Assange Set Free After ‘Plea Deal’

Julian Assange Set Free After ‘Plea Deal’

Julian Assange, famed Australian Journalist and Founder of WikiLeaks, has finally been set FREE from US Charges by taking a Plea Deal with The Biden Administration. Julian Assange pled ‘Guilty’ to one Felony Count of Illegally Obtaining & Disclosing National...

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US-Saudi Arabia PetroDollar “Deal” Expires

US-Saudi Arabia PetroDollar “Deal” Expires

News has broken about The Petro-Dollar Agreement between Saudi Arabia and The United States officially expiring with NO new agreement in place. This deal had been in place since 1974 and was essentially a contract stating that a SUBSTANTIAL amount...

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.