Julian Assange, famed Australian Journalist and Founder of WikiLeaks, has finally been set FREE from US Charges by taking a Plea Deal with The Biden Administration. Julian Assange pled ‘Guilty’ to one Felony Count of Illegally Obtaining & Disclosing National Security Material, in exchange for his release. Assange was taken to The Northern Mariana Islands (US Territory) for sentencing and was then flown to his home Nation of Australia.

Julian Assange has been pursued for over a DECADE by multiple Nations, largely on false premises. Due to his Founding of WikiLeaks, he became a target. WikiLeaks was, and still is, a platform that would deal with anonymous sources and reveal information The Public had a Right to know, largely without putting lives in jeopardy. As a Free & Independent Press committing journalistic affairs, you have every Right, as per The US Constitution, to report on stories, ESPECIALLY when the information you’re reporting is about UnLawful activity Governments are partaking in.

Assange was NEVER part of a Nation’s internal Bureaucracy, thus he had no contract to NOT disclose information — that would be on the source or whistleblower; even then, they have protection, in theory, if they’re exposing something UnLawful.

After WikiLeaks had released footage of a US Helicopter open firing on innocent Iraqi Civilians, The West via America, decided to take action. Sweden issued an arrest warrant for sexual allegations, which were later dropped due to unsubstantiation.

Assange harbors in an Ecuadorian Embassy in The UK to prevent Extradition to Sweden. Ecuador eventually lets The UK take Assange once they find Assange launched legal action against them for violating his Rights. America steps in and charges Assange via Indictment on Espionage.

There is a back and forth of Extradition from The UK to America — meanwhile, Assange’s mental & physical health deteriorates. This leads up to this point where Assange is essentially COERCED into pleading ‘Guilty’, in an effort to be set free and return back home.

There was collusion amongst these Nations for over a decade to politically prosecute Assange WITHOUT any justification that is tied to The Constitution. Even now, The US coerced Assange by putting him in a tight situation of going home and admitting guilt or staying in the same place he’s been in while his health fades.

This is to set precedent about FUTURE Individuals, regardless of which Country your from, that if you expose and distribute information that is part of “National Security” (which is broad and can be trivial in terms of importance), then you will be pursued by Central Authority. This is a blow to whistleblowers, investigative journalists, and Free & Independent Press — this is the ENTIRE POINT of being Press; to hold Government accountable. The standard is different if you’re exposing no illegal wrongdoing and you’ve been part of Bureaucracy.

Assange was NOT American and was a Private Citizen, thus charging him for Espionage is not logical nor Constitutional by any means. The Regime of ANY Nation desires to control The Narrative, and when you expose their wrongdoings, they’ve made it clear they will go after you with everything and not think twice about your life.

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