News has broken about The Petro-Dollar Agreement between Saudi Arabia and The United States officially expiring with NO new agreement in place. This deal had been in place since 1974 and was essentially a contract stating that a SUBSTANTIAL amount of Saudi Arabia’s petroleum exports would be done in US Dollars. In exchange, The United States would physically protect Saudi Arabia from incursions via The US Military.

This was a prime benefit for America as we were able to inflate our currency via Congressional Spending and fabrication of loans via Commercial Banks, then EXPORT part of that inflation around The World. This kept our US Currency stronger Domestically compared to The Rest of The World; this also ensured that US Dollars would be used WIDELY, essentially creating more marketshare for The US Dollar compared to other Currencies around The Globe.

There is a CAVEAT — this agreement was NOT exclusively about transacting in Oil using USD Currency. In fact, no agreement has been expressed on paper. HOWEVER, there was an implicit agreement or an explicit agreement behind closed doors, to ensure this exchange was sound, but not disruptive to The International Community. Regardless, Saudi Arabia shifting the Currency they use to other National Currencies is not a positive sign for America.

As America has proven, time and time again, but most recently with this Ukraine-Russian Conflict, The US will LEVERAGE The US Dollar against its opponents for strategic purposes. This weaponization of Currency infuriates MANY Nations around The World, to the extent that Major Countries have formed The ‘BRICS’ Nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (other countries are joining the list).

Russia saw firsthand how their US Currency was FROZEN by The International Swift Transaction System once Russia employed their ‘Military Operation’ onto Ukraine. Nations are rising up to overthrow America’s Dominance and are taking advantage of the fact that American Politics has become an enemy unto itself.

America has become MORE OVER—EXTENDED than The British Empire at its peak. This is what caused Britain to relinquish many colonies it had controlled, such as India — the financial, political, & ideological costs became too great.

American Dominance is waning and it wasn’t because a Foreign Nation has OVERTLY attacked us — it’s because our Internal Bureaucracy has been COMPROMISED by those who have sold out American’s long-term interests for their personal short-term interests.

We’ve sold out to China & Israel predominantly, and it’s only getting worse. Israel has had a STRANGLEHOLD on our Political System since its inception in 1948; China has utilized many subversive tactics through Mainstream Media, Hollywood, and now Social Media. All of these factors, plus overextending ourselves militarily for unnecessary, unjust wars, AND pissing off Nations like Russia, has only sealed our demise.

There is a way to regress or PRESERVE our Current State, but like all Great Empires, they eventually fall. We don’t know what the future holds, but this period of time with Individual Rights has been glorious. We have been FAR from perfect, but better than ANY other Nation in history, and presumably in the future for new uprising of Nations.

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