
Constitutes - Glowing American Eagle Logo. We The People.


Constitutes started as a dream and developed into a vision. With the rampant corruption that exists in our time, necessary Men must rise to the occasion. It is always incumbent on The Minority of The Populous in a given period of time to build something substantial, worthy of competing against Malicious Actors, while at the same time forming a coalition with like-minded Individuals who share ideologically-proper beliefs.

Without this cultivation for a better future, we are ruined by people who decide to pursue power without regard for The People. The US Constitution was a landmark document that built on top of other historical documents. With this piece of legislation, we built a principal Nation that has, to date, superseded any other existing power in current time and historically.

What makes The United States of America so special? We are a Nation based on a common denominator of Individual Rights. These Rights cannot be halted or suspended under ANY circumstance, although Malicious Actors will do their best to emotionally manipulate the naive & gullible.

We must preserve what we have, not to solely enjoy Meritocracy, Economic Opportunity, Private Property Rights, and the gambit of amenities exclusive to this Nation, but so that Future Generations may have access to what we have. It is inevitable, just as every Empire that has ever existed, we will extinguish in some fashion, whether it be through internal deterioration, corrupt politics, military, and financial solvency, subversion, foreign conflict, or disease, but if we are capable, it is our duty to serve and to plant trees we ourselves will never see.

Core Mission

Our pursued interest is The Protection of Individual Rights via The Original 10 Bill of Rights; secured for every United States Citizen.

Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.

*The Right to Free Speech & Expression, Assembly, Press, Religion, & Redress of Grievances

*The Right to Keep & Bear Arms

*The Right to Private Property Protected from ‘Government Representatives’

*The Right to Protect from Unlawful Search & Seizure

*The Right to Protect from Self-Incrimination, A Fair Trial, Double Jeopardy, & Property-Seizure by Government

*The Right to an Unbiased Jury of Your Peers in Criminal Court

*The Right to an Impartial Jury of Your Peers in Civil Court

*The Right to Not Incur Excessive Bail, Excessive Fines, and Cruel & Unusual Punishment

*The Right to Retain Rights that are Not Explicitly Named in The Bill of Rights

*Powers Not Delegated to The Federal Government Are Given to The Individual States & Their People

News You Can Trust

Our desire to The World is to create, verify, and sustain an environment that proliferates meaningful Current Events from an objective, Constitutional-bias point of view. Those in The Network are trained to consume, digest, and synthesize content from a variety of sources -- The Left, The Center, The Right, & The Far-Fetched. With this, we are able to create a unique amount of perspectives that most other News & Media Organizations are not able to provide. 

Combating Propaganda

In a World full of duplicitous Individuals & advancing technology, it is important, now more than ever, to ensure information is properly vetted, although, this is a task that is more difficult than it sounds. Corroborating information, gathering different data points, investigating sources & claims, critically thinking with each piece of new information, peer-reviewing stories -- this is time consuming, costly, & effortful, but we believe it's worth it.

As technology advances, creating different points of Centralization, it becomes easier to spread disinformation, ignorantly disperse misinformation, and have deceitful Actors intentionally re-write history as well as adjust Current Event Narratives. This is a story as old as Civilization. Humans have been manipulating each other since the inception of stealth in order to gain leverage over one another. We care about transparency -- that's our leverage. There are enough people in The Populous who care to pursue Objective Truth, and with that, we create a mutually-reciprocal relationship. This is the future of ideologically-proper content.

Quality Promise

As we branch out in industry and scale business, we see many opportunities to ideologically grow. With this, comes revenue to utilize for purpose. Material items are nice -- as humans, these are shiny objects we enjoy in the moment, but ultimately, fulfillment requires something much greater & much deeper. Capital allows certain Individuals & Entities to push for positive growth in Society -- this could be job creation, contributing to a prospering Economy, ensuring Future Generations are cultivated with the proper culture & influence, and Media Distribution to counter intentionally-false narratives.

With this in mind, part of our contribution in this relationship of business to consumer is the design, manufacturing, & distribution of apparel & accessories. As a team, we ONLY design, manufacture, & promote the graphics and quality of material we personally approve of. These are items we ourselves do and will wear -- because we believe in the mission and message ourselves, whether it's something satirical or something meaningful & serious.

We work diligently to ensure our products are sourced & manufactured with Quality Materials, cared for with Quality Customer Service, and backed by a Quality Mission. This is our Promise to the consumer. We will not be perfect, we will face unforeseen mishaps, but we will ALWAYS strive towards our peak potential.

Prioritizing Health

We’re meticulously concerned about what we put into our bodies, what we digest, & what we use on a day to day basis. That’s why we’ve made it a priority to ensure we only select the highest of quality skincare & supplements for your consumption. We intentionally reject & turn down products that don’t meet our Health & Safety Standards. This means we evaluate each & every ingredient, looking through the scientific literature, & researching a wide spectrum of data for our laboratory analysis.

Although many, if not most, of our products are extremely High Quality & Clinically Tested, not all of our products are the highest quality they could be — that’s why we are relentless at improving our product line. Whether it’s a vitamin you consume on a day to day basis or a cream to apply every night to preserve skin elasticity, we have made it our obligation to provide the best we can offer. We know many of our products are thoroughly enjoyed by people all around — these are items you rely on and use on a consistent basis; this is why we focus on transparency. Trust is essential for every relationship, even if it’s transactional. We have an incentive to make sure all products are up to par.

There are many products we are offered to sell, but we see shoddy research or potential side effects that may not suit a percentage of our consumers. Even if we could make extra profit, it’s not worth it for us. We started our supplement & skincare line with a mission of Quality and we intend to keep it that way. We have made it our duty to go above and beyond by outline details on every supplement & skincare product, including the science-backed research — this is done not just to give you reassurance that you can corroborate with independent sources, but to provide you with crucial information on making decisions about what you put in your body. Only the best, or we don’t sell it.Constitutes - Attractive woman running on treadmill.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.