Our Mission
Constitutes started as a dream and developed into a vision. With the rampant corruption that exists in our time, necessary Men must rise to the occasion. It is always incumbent on The Minority of The Populous in a given period of time to build something substantial, worthy of competing against Malicious Actors, while at the same time forming a coalition with like-minded Individuals who share ideologically-proper beliefs.
Without this cultivation for a better future, we are ruined by people who decide to pursue power without regard for The People. The US Constitution was a landmark document that built on top of other historical documents. With this piece of legislation, we built a principal Nation that has, to date, superseded any other existing power in current time and historically.
What makes The United States of America so special? We are a Nation based on a common denominator of Individual Rights. These Rights cannot be halted or suspended under ANY circumstance, although Malicious Actors will do their best to emotionally manipulate the naive & gullible.
We must preserve what we have, not to solely enjoy Meritocracy, Economic Opportunity, Private Property Rights, and the gambit of amenities exclusive to this Nation, but so that Future Generations may have access to what we have. It is inevitable, just as every Empire that has ever existed, we will extinguish in some fashion, whether it be through internal deterioration, corrupt politics, military, and financial solvency, subversion, foreign conflict, or disease, but if we are capable, it is our duty to serve and to plant trees we ourselves will never see.
Core Mission
Our pursued interest is The Protection of Individual Rights via The Original 10 Bill of Rights; secured for every United States Citizen.