The First (and mostly like last — with Biden) Presidential Debate has come and gone. The initial thoughts, in the atmosphere, leading up to The Debate was that Biden went to Camp David for a week of “prep”, but that “prep” was really rest, rehearsal, and infusion of legal and illegal (to us plebs) minerals, substances, and stimulants. Of course, chemically-altering substances would be titrated and adjusted for the Individual and the state he’s in, as well as timed to ensure longevity and intensity.

We endured The Debate, which was pitiful on Biden’s side and a bit upsetting — upsetting that Trump’s opponent is protected by The Administrative State and has actively gone out of his way to politically prosecute his adversary, while at the same time, he’s losing his cognition and can’t form proper, coherent sentences.

There was one salient time in The Debate where Biden completely STOPPED mid-sentence and couldn’t pick back up on the same spot. I’m being a bit reductive here, but essentially, we saw The Dementia kicking in HARD.

Many people, including myself, have been stating that Biden is a puppet, he’s not cognitively active, and the people in his cabinet and overall Administration are the ones who are truly running The White House. It was not anymore obvious on The Debate Stage, other than the fact MILLIONS of people were watching concurrently.

Right after The Debate ended, you had LIBERAL Media come out and start talking about how shocked they were and how Biden is CLEARLY in mental decline. This is not for The Right to celebrate. We view situations objectively here — we don’t want our Leaders to fail; we genuinely want America to be in a good place. BUT, when you have every Liberal Media Outlet saying, verbatim, THE EXACT SAME WORDS, or paraphrasing slightly, you see a case of ‘Operation Mockingbird’.

This stems back to The Cold War Era and evolved into an Operation of spreading propaganda via information distribution. It has been theorized (and confirmed via circumstantial evidence) that this operation is still ongoing.

The Left’s strategy, FOR MONTHS, has been to find a way to gain Public Sentiment to adjust in a political pivot. Biden has served his time as a warm body puppet who could be scapegoated for anything and everything while The Administrative States runs a muck in the shadows. Now, The Deep State must win The Popular Vote and bring in a new candidate.

When EVERYONE is unanimously, almost “all of a sudden” claiming the same things about Biden, it’s clearly a ruse. Michelle Obama would be the clear pick here, but there are other strategies The Left is looking at; whichever is the easiest for them to execute is what they will pursue.

Michelle Obama as the DNC nominee. Not meeting 270 for The Electoral College and having Congress select Hilary Clinton. Induce, partially, a False Flag Operation via escalation of International Conflict with Russia, and declare Martial Law. OR, induce, partially, a Domestic Terrorist Attack, and again, declare Martial Law. Martial Law would be the impetus to HALT Elections and select whoever is available at the time to be The Nation’s Representative.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.