The US Supreme Court has ruled that Official Acts The President partakes in qualify as PROTECTION and are Absolute under The US Constitution, thus ‘Presidential Immunity’. Tied to this is ‘Presumptive Immunity’, which are actions The President takes, IN GENERAL, however, The Supreme Court was more muddy about this explanation, as The President may take actions that are not ENTIRELY an Official Action.

This has cemented in The Left’s mind that Trump is now effectively a King and can do whatever they prefer. The Left has determined that with this Ruling, The Current US President, Biden, can recruit ‘Seal Team Six’ to perform a casualty-like action without repercussion.

To clarify from The Constitutional Point of View — All Presidents, Former or Current, have Executive Privilege. With this comes ‘Presidential Immunity’ from Official Actions; this is like a type of ‘Qualified Immunity’ that those who represent our Government hold, such as Law Enforcement or Elected Officials. ‘Presumptive Immunity’ is a classification that accounts for the blurring of lines, as being President and taking actions are not always black and white.

‘Presidential Immunity’ does NOT grant free reign to do whatever you prefer — it simply means you are protected by The Constitution for taking Constitutional Actions in your Oath of Office and while in your dutiful role. If there is a Constitutional issue, The Elected Official (in this case, The President), must be impeached by The House & The Senate for conviction.

This would then REMOVE The Elected Official from Public Office. At that point, The Elected Official can face Criminal Penalty if Prosecutors decide it warrants that, but may not proceed out of courtesy or bad precedent.

We have a Two-Stage Democracy, that is really a Republic, bound by our Founding Document, The US Constitution, to ensure proper governance and The Protection of Individual Rights. The President IS NOT IMMUNE from UnConstitutional Actions — he may be Impeached, Convicted, then Charged in Criminal Court. However, we must understand the practical nature of being in that position.

We have a Two-Stage System to prevent exploitation from other ignorant or manipulative Individuals, otherwise it would be too easy to remove someone who was Rightfully Elected or someone who may not have done anything UnLawful. Our System was DESIGNED to be a ‘Gridlocked’ System; this was to prevent the erosion of Individual Rights, primarily.

Of course, The Pawns of those who wish to increase Central Authority will use this Ruling as justification to escalate their demonization of the opposing side — all based on a False Premise.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.