Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Meta (Controls Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), has sent a letter to US Representative Jim Jordan (R) regarding his [Zuckerberg's] apology for meddling in The 2020 US Election with a guarantee that he will NOT intervene this time around. We have the Formal Admittance of Active Collusion between Facebook and its derivatives with The Biden Administration in the form of The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

According to Zuckerberg, he was pressured by The Biden Administration to censor, suppress, filter, suspend, ban, and limit reach of Individuals, Topics, & Posts according to Active Narratives regarding 'Misinformation' and 'Disinformation'. Zuckerberg acknowledges what he and his Company participated in was wrong, including the silencing of ANY information relevant to COVID-19 that went against The Government Narrative at the time.

Zuckerberg claims The FBI communicated with Facebook about potential 'Russian Disinformation', which was 'The Hunter Biden Laptop Story' in this case. Facebook demoted The Story while an Independent Body did a "Fact Check". The suppression of this story was Election Interference as the distribution of this information would've swayed the outcome of The US Election. When you manipulate information AT SCALE, you are participating in The Removal of Individual Rights -- this would be The First Amendment. All US Citizens have The Right to be the RECIPIENT of any and all Information. ANY intervention of Government in this regard is also a blatant Violation, whether it's at scale or not. This crime is considered Treason.

In an interview, Zuckerberg claimed his Companies will have less integration in Political Topics for this Election Cycle, which is vague and could mean the suppression of ANY and ALL information regarding The Election; this would be another form of Election Interference. Meta is a Private Company, but they are part of 'The Standard of Living' when it comes to Communication, Distribution of Information, and a way for people to Make A Living. Because it is part of an Oligopoly in a now Necessary Industry, it must be Regulated. When an Industry is Regulated, Individuals retain ALL of their Constitutional Rights.

With all of that being said, Individuals responsible for Violating The US Constitution MUST be held accountable. This is not solely Civil Liability, which there is cause for, but for CRIMINAL CHARGES. Civil Liability would come in as Meta has Violated Section 230. You can operate as a Publisher or Platform, but not both. Publishers are liable, but can selectively edit on their Platforms (Ex: Websites). Platforms are NOT liable, but CANNOT edit on their Platform (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter).

Specific Key Individuals in Meta and within The Biden Administration must face charges and prosecution swiftly and Justly -- all deserving fair trials and fair adjudications. We acknowledge Meta is part of a Necessary Industry, thus we do not want to disrupt people's way of life by imprisoning EVERYONE pertinent to the crimes at hand, although in theory, we would. We must determine who is required to ensure Meta will continue to operate as is, WITHOUT BIAS, and offer the same, if not better, service and options for Consumers & Users.

In this case, perhaps Zuckerberg and High-Level Executives will be granted Partial Amnesty, but be under Government Probation. This ensures they're able to work to sustain Meta, but are also on a tight leash to prevent future Violations. This brainstorming is still a work in progress to determine consequences and actions required.

Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.