Trump has come out and supported the idea of Government and/or Insurance-Funded In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). IVF is essentially the extraction of a Female's Eggs matched with Sperm to manually create Offspring. Trump is currently in a chapter where he is trying to win The Votes of Females as well as Independents & Moderates. In order to do this, he must appeal to them through Emotion & Policy that best favors their ideology.

In this case, Trump has already stated he is NOT for a National Abortion Ban. He has given The Right of Abortion to The States. States can decide to completely OUTLAW Abortion or accept it until a certain threshold. In-Vitro Fertilization is another branch of this topic that Trump has voluntarily decided to speak on. No one was necessarily bugging Trump about this specific topic, but presumably, due to The DNC's conversation about IVF, Political Consultants likely advised Trump to get on board with this Treatment.

Due to Trump having a differing stance on Abortion, where it's now delegated to The States, many 'Pro-Life' Individuals have claimed they will NOT be voting for Trump. This essentially makes little sense because their Vote for Trump will still LEAN in their favor as opposed to The Democratic Option. To NOT be for Trump entirely because of his adjusted Abortion Stance is simply illogical, although we understand The Principle behind it. However, we have to view The Long-Term aspect of Overall Policies instead of solely focusing on one Policy.

Trump claims he will ensure Government or Insurance Companies will cover the cost of IVF, which is highly variable and is typically extremely expensive. This is an unnatural Treatment, obviously, and should be reserved ONLY for Heterosexual Couples who have been vetted. We DO NOT want to prioritize or make a common occurrence over Playing God. If there is a good Set of Candidates who would make Great Parents and one or both Mates are infertile, then this is an option.

The issue would be to use US Taxpayer Money to cover the cost for specific Individuals' IVF Treatment. Having Insurance cover it will force Insurance Companies to increase Premiums, not only of the specific Individuals, but for The Collective. This is to create more of a cushion to cover potential expenses Insurance Companies may have to cover.

The REAL SOLUTION, which is more difficult to attain, would be to create a Competitive System within Big Med and Big Pharma. This will be extremely difficult to achieve as we have Oligopolies. These Firms make BILLIONS of dollars every year and have NO DESIRE to give that up. Where there is Money & Power, there are drastic consequences to those who try to disrupt. This is likely why Trump is vying for The Government and/or The Insurance Option as it's much easier to facilitate.

If we are able to solve The Oligopoly System and create a TRUE Free Market within Big Med and Big Pharma, that would make the price of IVF much lower, therefore more affordable. Consumers would also receive a superior service as Firms would compete with each other for Payments via Customers. We would also have MANY other issues solved by introducing a Free Market Approach. No longer could Big Med or Big Pharma charge exorbitant rates for basic services. Surgeries and serious operations would also lower in cost as competition would FORCE Companies to one up each other -- a type of Arms Race.

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