The Nation of France has Officially Arrested Telegram CEO (Encrypted Communication Platform, Private Valuation $15-30B), Pavel Durov. Durov's Origin is based in Russia and he was The Creator of 'Vkontakte', Russia's version of Facebook. After creating Telegram, Putin requested information of Ukrainian Users for Security Purposes. Durov declined in order to protect User Data. At that point, he was essentially fired from his own Company and forced to leave Russia. Ultimately, Durov found refuge in France and gained French Citizenship (2021).

Durov was arrested August 24th of this year at The Paris-Le Bourget Airport. The French Government claims they are investigating crimes of Child Exploitation Material, Drug Trafficking via Telegram, and a Lack of Content Moderation (Basically, NOT Censoring Information). Durov was essentially arrested by a "Democratic" Government because he holds Power in a Domain that The Western Establishment wishes to control. This is the Domain of Mass Communication, Private Messaging, and The Distribution of Information.

We've already experienced 'The Twitter Files', Mark Zuckerberg has recently Formally Admitted about Facebook-Government Collusion, and DHS has openly admitted they are pursing 'Information' -- We are completely aware of how The Western Bureaucracy (English Speaking Nations) and their Intelligence Apparatus wish to control every morsel of Information in order to puppet The Populous at large. Because Western National Governments are facing pushback during a crucial time (Election Season), they must be more overt and radical with their approach to silence, suppress, and rule.

At first, The Establishment will 'Character Assassinate'. This is to ruin your reputation and remove your way of financial stability. If that doesn't work, The Establishment escalates to 'Political Prosecution'. Without Justice, The Establishment will attach fabricated charges and pursue prosecution to confine you for your "disruption". If all else fails, the last resort is 'Termination'. This case may be something of the sort where you're at a Rally and a random 20-year old is able to bypass Secret Service & Local Law Enforcement and get shots off. Of course, that event ultimately failed in its intended purpose, but that is the final consequence of being an obstacle in the way of The Administrative State and their Allied Actors.

What this arrest tells us is that we must PROTECT certain Individuals at all costs. These Individuals are particular as they ensure there is Free & Open Discourse, which allows for different perspectives, as well as The Distribution of Information. There will be False Information that is spread, but that cost is MUCH LESS than the cost of Government Tyranny; this is why we have Absolute Rights in the first place -- to protect Individuals from Exploit by Government.

Elon Musk is an example of a target. Despite Musk having SpaceX (which holds Government contracts), despite Musk having Tesla (which is fueling The Electric Vehicle push), and despite Musk being one of The Wealthiest Individuals in The World with Connections, the threat of him owning and controlling X (Formerly Twitter) is too great. If The Establishment is unable to consolidate and retain Power, if they are unable to censor at scale and control The Masses, they will pursue whatever actions are necessary to shut down X. X is not perfect, as there are flaws with its algorithm, it's not Fully Free Speech, and Support is abysmal, but it is MILES AHEAD of any other Platform that exists, with the exception of Rumble.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.