Trump has now experienced his SECOND Assassination Attempt. This occurred on this previous Sunday at 1:30PM at The Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Trump had a 'Last Minute Call' to Golf. The Assassin is known to us as Ryan Wesley Routh, who had been camping in the area for 12 hours before he was fired at by Secret Service.

A witty Secret Service Agent saw a barrel sticking out of the bushes; that's when an exchange of fire took place. This part of the breakdown is hazy with details as we don't know if one or two people were firing and who fired the first shot. Thanks to a Citizen who was standing by, a photograph of Routh's License Plate was able to be captured. The Martin County Sheriff's Office was able to catch Routh on I-95 and apprehend him. At the time of this writing, Routh is in Local/State Custody as opposed to Federal Custody.

The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, has announced he is conducting a State Investigation SEPARATE of The Federal Government. This is due to the botched job from The First Assassination Attempt, where we still don't have answers and no accountability against Special Agents, Special Agents in Charge, or The Bureaucracy that runs them. There is criticism against DeSantis as he may have Individuals part of The Investigation who have a Conflict of Interest against Trump. This aspect of the story is still unfolding with details.

Who is Ryan Wesley Routh? Although a scrubbing of his Social Media has taken place, we have already digested the details when they were available. He claims to have voted for Trump in 2016, BUT it strongly appears as if Routh is on The Left. He most recently voted Democrat. He supports Harris-Walz, he is FOR Ukraine, he is Pro-LGBT, he dyed his hair to match The Ukrainian Flag, he was in a Commercial released in 2022 to support The Ukrainian War Efforts, and he was featured in multiple Media Outlets, such as CBS News, again, to promote The Ukrainian War Efforts.

Routh's Social Media, before it was scrubbed on Facebook, Instagram, and now X/Twitter, displayed a bot-like approach to posting with minimal personal posts. Not many posts were published. Who Ryan followed is also suspect as there are Individuals who are "well-connected", such as a Former CIA Agent, who may have been Ryan's 'Handler'. Ryan indeed seems to be a real person who was indoctrinated and fervent about causes he was brainwashed to believe in. Routh would've been the ideal candidate to coerce or work with for specific actions. He's crazy enough to commit radical tasks, but that meant he required a 'Handler' to ensure proper procedure.

With that being said, we have Documentation that links Routh to The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Routh is also on camera many times, by Mainstream Media, announcing how he's part of The Recruitment Process for Mercenaries. According to reports, Routh was 'Unemployed' and lived in Hawaii. He apparently operated a prior business, but further investigation reveals the business had no real customers or legitimate products-- it appears to be a shell or disguise.

Routh was able to fly back and forth between The United States and Ukraine. He was able to fund these actions and partipcate in The War Efforts. He had to receive approval from The US State Department, which is also closely linked with The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense. Routh also had to receive funds to sustain himself as a Mercenary Recruiter; this would again be serviced by The US State Department.

The US State Department, as well as other Governments historically, involve themselves in conflicts without 'Official Capacity'. This is done by using Mercenaries (Former or Current Military) to be OFF The Payroll of The United States of America. When we say OFF, we mean "OFF". These Mercenaries still work with or for The United States, but the paper trails ends and they are essentially Kinetic Spies engaging in Warfare, Administration, and other Roles. Routh was likely part of this scheme.

Central Intelligence Agency handles Overseas Operations and is closely tied to The US State Department. Federal Bureau of Investigation has already revealed they have been aware of Routh since 2019. Secret Service is already hinting at a possibility of ANOTHER Assassination Attempt on Trump and how a Foreign Nation may be responsible. Establishment Republicans have constantly floated the idea that Iran is to blame for these attacks against Trump. This is to instigate Conflict and further the Interests of spending US Taxpayer Money. MOST of this money gets laundered and thrown into the pockets of Military Corporations & Politicians.

It appears, with all the evidence we have, that many Federal Agencies have been compromised. They are unwilling to follow through on their investigation of THE FIRST Assassination Attempt, and they are acting incompetent or relaxed for this second Assassination Attempt.

During the immediate News Conference with Federal Law Enforcement Officials, there was a defense as to why Trump didn't have more Security and better Protection. The claim was that Trump is NOT The Sitting US President, therefore further Security was not required or thought of. In fact, it was thought of, but Trump is an obstacle to The Current Status Quo. Trump puts a wedge in The Administrative State's Agenda, so they are unable to steamroll over The Rights of The American People.

Let's breakdown why Trump SHOULD have already had beefed up Security, from Perimeter, Surveillance, Counter Teams, Personal Protection, & Advanced Teams. Trump is a FORMER US President. Trump ALREADY EXPERIENCED an Assassination Attempt on his Life where Secret Service was Derelict of Duty. Trump is The MOST CONTROVERSIAL President in American History. Trump is The PRESUMED 47th President of The United States. These reasons are BEYOND ENOUGH to substantiate the same, or more, Level of Protection as The Current Sitting US President.

At this point, it would be wise to re-organize Secret Service -- perhaps only keeping those he trusts who have been part of his Personal Details for substantial periods of time. Trump would then need to hire Private Military Contractors. Don't settle for Regular Operations who were Former Military or are Current Military -- go for Special Operators. These are Army Delta Force, Army Green Berets, Marine Force RECON, Marine MARSOC, & Navy SEALS. There would still be a vetting process to get these Individuals on board, but there are plenty of Pro-Trump Patriots who would gladly consider this a Service to Their Country.

We currently live in a psychosis World where The Current US President, Biden, entered Presidency under a False Premise -- A definitively-proven Fraudulent Election. Biden's Department of Justice has claimed Biden is too incoherent to be Charged for Holding Classified Documents Post-Vice Presidency when he aligned with Obama. If that's the case, how is he cogent enough TO ACTIVELY BE President right now?

Another Assassination Attempt may occur; there's a high likelihood. This could be more of the same. It could be a potential covert attack, such as an "accident" aboard Trump's airplane. OR, it could be Hail Mary. The Administrative State isn't just sloppy -- they just don't care. They don't care if The Entire World sees how Corrupt US Bureaucracy. Why? The Administrative State KNOWS they can get away with Treasonous Crime and not be Prosecuted. They've been pursuing these ends without any check or accountability. They're fearful of Trump in Office because they understand that MANY of their Top Brass will face Criminal Charges.

All we care to do is prioritize Americans, Our Rights, Our Economy, Secure our Border, and have better Foreign Relations. We are facing too much Inflation, we are experiencing a SURGE of Illegals, and we are participating in International Conflicts that DON'T need to occur. Trump is a barrier to The Deep State continuing their BS.

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