Israel's Mossad (Central Institute for Intelligence & Special Operations) conducted a Targeted Infiltration Attack upon The Terrorist Group 'Hezbollah', who are located in Lebanon. This occurred by intercepting The Supplier for Pagers from Taiwan, adding grams of explosive material inside them, and triggering overheating to induce explosion. Over 3,000 people are injured, over 20 have passed away; of the 20, 2 were children and 10 were Hezbollah Members.

Hezbollah Members utilize Pagers due to the inability for Israel to digitally hack and disrupt communications compared to Smartphones. Many Hezbollah Members experienced the overheating and threw their Pagers away. Much of The Population also holds Pagers to prevent digital hacks & tracking from Israel. Israel also launched a second wave of attacks; this time targeting walkie-talkies. This shows even further infiltration when it comes to assaults.

We understand Israel is targeting 'Terrorists' -- those who they classify as Terrorists. The denotative term of Terrorism is The Unlawful use of Violence & Intimidation, especially against Civilians, in pursuit of Political aims. With that being said, Nations & States can also be classified as 'Terrorists', but they have the veil of Sovereignty to create a facade. We understand this current conflict as Israel vs Arabs due to Israel's unethical involvement in displacing Palestinians.

From The Arab Side, there is Emotional Retaliation. From Israel's side, there is indifferent Conquest. That is the reductionist evaluation, but of course there are those on The Arab Side who wish to completely rid Israel just as there is the same perspective on The Israeli Side. There are factions within Bureaucracies; it's almost never black & white. This is NOT to justify attacks on Innocent Civilians. Ideally, we want to ensure NO ONE on either side, who is Innocent, is a casualty. Conflict almost never goes this way.

The dispute is that people give leeway towards Israel because they are The 'Original' People from that Land. This isn't true, genetically speaking. The Eastern Europeans who were implanted into The Middle East in 1948 were of a different descent than those from The Torah and The Bible. This is the difference between 'Sephardic' and 'Ashkenazi'. Even so, we understand Conquest exists. The ideal is to create as Peaceful as a transition as possible. Humans will always try to take over one another, and there will be pushback. This is our Nature.

Even if the initial 'Origin' claim was accurate, it would still be unethical to displace The Current Populous of a Region with ideological justification. We can equate this to Anglo-Saxon Settlers displacing Native Americans. Again, this is not black & white. Many of The Native American Tribes collaborated with Colonists, but over time, there was a Conquest -- partially intentional, partially inadvertently.

What we see, and have seen for decades, is the full backing and support of Israel by The United States of America. This is largely because a faction, really many factions, of our US Bureaucracy is compromised by a Foreign Nation. We attempt to pass Laws in FAVOR of Israel when we should be prioritizing our US Constitution. If you're an American, you should be putting America First. Due to America's unconditional support, Arab Nations despise us. This is why attacks on American Soil occur. This is not to justify these attacks -- I would hope they would not occur, but this is a form of retaliation.

We could create peace and compromise, but those who are in Power -- American & Israeli Bureaucracy, don't wish to mediate a Proper Peace Deal. Of course there is a faction on The HAMAS Side that doesn't wish to have Peace because they gain Politically & Financially, but America & Israel are indisputably more Powerful than most Nations on The Planet. We could end this conflict in a WEEK if we desired to.

Israel has now infiltrated a Nation a second time within the past couple of months. First, it was going inside Tehran, Iran with explosives. Now it's explosives masked as Pagers within Lebanon. This attack was also indiscriminate. We cannot allow for Innocent Lives to be taken, ESPECIALLY if you are The More Powerful Party. There is a duty on you to act more responsibly. It's a Double Standard, but it's a necessity to ensure Order.

When we have Israel acting reckless and INFILTRATING Nations (that's the key here), it provokes other Nations to further escalate Conflict. We should NOT be escalating Conflict. Our US Military Contractors love Escalation of Conflict, as that means more Revenue Generation via US Taxpayer Funds. This is why The Establishment LOVES funding Ukraine; this is Money Laundering at its finest for an Unjust Cause.

We need to scale down The Conflict. We need to find Diplomacy. This is not to say it will be 'Perfect' or there won't be any Conflict at all -- there will be, BUT it will be a substantially better future for ALL SIDES, including those who are Innocent. There are kids who are trying to make it to school every day. There are Adults who are trying to work without disruption, so they can provide for their family. These Individuals have nothing to do with this Conflict.

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