Trump had initially set out a Debate with Kamala Harris on Fox News, but she declined. With this, Trump has accepted The Debate on ABC. This is yet another example of Trump going into ‘Enemy’ Territory to duke it out with his opposition. Up until this point, Trump has been campaigning and giving speeches, EVEN AFTER he was almost assassinated. Kamala, on the other hand, has NOT been campaigning and has refused to do any interviews, although she did have one rally, which was essentially a concert in disguise (Feat. Meg The Stallion).

This Presidential Debate will take place on September 10th. Trump has stated he wants 3 Debates, but Harris has only accepted this individual Debate. Harris has claimed on Social Media that “Trump has FINALLY agreed to a Debate”. In reality, Harris has been the one who hasn’t complied. Trump had previously scheduled The September 10th Debate as it was with Biden; now, Trump has a new opponent, but his pace hasn’t changed.

The Terms Trump was accustomed to has been radically changed. Biden was forced out by The Democrat Party, just in time to miss The Primaries and right in time for The Democratic National Convention. This enables The Left to NOT have a Democratic Primary, where Individuals compete for The Presidency. Instead, Democrats shuffle Biden out, who can no longer be a “decent” representative (Puppet) and install Kamala Harris — a woman who NO ONE voted for. The People, even if you’re a Democrat, have had their choices REMOVED from The Democratic Process. You ultimately have The Right to a Primary and the opportunity to vote for The Candidate you best believe in.

The Current Harris Campaign is rumored to be operated by The Obamas. Obama, unlike other Former US Presidents, remained in D.C. and kept close ties with The White House and Staffers to ensure he had a working hand in The Biden Administration. It looks as if he will also have a significant role in The Harris Administration, even to the extent of running Policy behind the scenes.

The Harris Campaign has Officially chosen Tim Walz as The Vice President Pick. This was a Man who was chosen over Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Governor. The idea was to appeal to Voters in a Swing State, but due to Shapiro being Jewish, The Harris Campaign opted to play Politics and pick Tim Walz. Much of The Left, at least The Pawns, culturally support Palestine, thus picking a Jewish Vice President would potentially hurt The Harris Campaign. Although, Kamala Harris’ Husband is Jewish. Josh Shapiro would’ve been the more competent and adversarial pick, but instead, we get Tim Walz.

Already on The Campaign, Walz has lied about his Military Service, essentially stealing Valor to up-sell his brand. Walz is The Minnesota Governor and let his cities & businesses burn to the ground during The George Floyd Riots. Walz also passed a Bill that enabled tampons to be stored in the restrooms of 4th-6th Graders, including Boys. This is a man who has not spouted any sound Policies, other than passing more Laws against The second Amendment. He may be as Radical, if not more, than his counterpart, Kamala Harris. By Radical, we mean the passing of Laws that go against The U.S. Constitution.

This Debate will be more of the same as Kamala IS The Incumbent. She is as responsible, if not more so, than Biden, as she was aware of his [Biden's] cognitive decline, and denied that fact. She was in charge of The Southern Border, but FAILED her duties of securing it. Yet, she now claims she’ll be tough on The Border. Remember, she’s STILL in Office. She can utilize her current position if she cared to do so.

There will likely be some attacks onto Trump by Kamala and vice versa, but largely Policy & conversation of Emotional Appeal will take place. We won’t see a 2016 Style Debate where Trump showed Clinton’s true colors in a brash way — although, that would be more entertaining.

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