Donald Trump and Elon Musk just had their first ever Public Conversation, Hosted on X Spaces (Formerly Twitter), which resulted in 1M-1.3M concurrent viewers and 72M Impressions by the end of the conversation. The initial setup of The X Space was rocky as Individuals were not able to enter the space; The X Space had become over-saturated and was unable to properly function. Musk promptly announced how there was a DDoS Attack (Distributed Denial of Service), where essentially, Servers were being overly saturated with hundreds of Gigabytes of Data. This was an attempt to shut down The X Space by a Third Party who was AGAINST this conversation occurring.

After The X Space Cyber Attack was justly sorted, the conversation continued. The premise for this conversation, according to Musk, was to have a CONVERSATION, as you can get a better “vibe” from an Individual in that aspect rather than being adversarial while engaging in an Interview Scenario. Trump & Musk had a conversation, uninterrupted as only these two were conversing, for a solid two hours. This was an amicable back and forth with unique input from Musk regarding certain issues, such as Climate Change and how the saturation of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere is an issue, but it’s not an IMMEDIATE issue that many Politicians fear-monger about. We’re increasing Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere at 2 PPM (Parts Per Million), we’re already around 400, and around 1,000 is when Health Issues arise, such as respiratory & migraines. This gives us a large runway, but it’s not forever. Although, there was a lack of conversation of future solutions, such as equilibrating other gases to counter Carbon Dioxide via Organic Routes.

Musk lightly pushed Trump on an idea of ensuring a type of ‘Cost-Cutting Commission’ could be put in place. Musk is famously known for firing The Majority of Twitter Employees after his takeover, making the Company more lean in the short and long-term — for efficient business operations. This Committee would ideally look at all aspects, or rather branches, of Government, and find areas to reduce, remove, or adjust. This tangent came about when talking about Inflation and how The Spending of Government is a large contributor to more money in circulation, thus inflating each U.S. Dollar. If Government spends below its means, generally spends less, and has a tight budget, The Nation can operate more efficiently, but more importantly, The People are able to sustain their Standard of Living with a general, gradual increase in wages over time compared to The Prices of Goods & Services they consume.

Amongst other issues, Trump & Elon discussed The US Border and how Kamala Harris, who is STILL in Office, is now claiming she’s tough on The Border & Illegal Immigration, and Trump is not. Musk agreed this was travesty of The Truth and a blatant lie that is surprisingly allowed to run rampant on Mainstream Media. We have anywhere from 10-30 Million Illegal Aliens who have Unlawfully entered The Nation, deprioritizing U.S. Citizens. Musk claimed that most immigrants, in his experience, do the right thing and are Productive Members of Society, but agreed that a filtering process must be ensured in order to keep a Country in tact — otherwise, you essentially don’t have a Country.

The rest of the conversation consisted of the typical issues we’ve heard from Trump before. This is not a negative; this is just reiteration of the problems our Nation is facing and what the potential solutions are. Musk brought a fresh take on many areas, giving his insight, expertise, & opinion. This provided more context for The American People who may have not understood Trump’s blunt positions without nuance. Musk, formerly on The Left, has provided a space for people to understand Trump and his Supporters in-depth. Musk also FULLY ENDORSED Trump. His reasons are simple: He sees how far Left The Left has gone, he sees the Disinformation Campaign that is widespread from one particular side (Democrats), and he sees how problems are NOT being solved by those who currently hold Power. There are personal aspects that were not mentioned as well, such as one of Musk’s children who underwent hormone therapy without Musk’s full understanding of the negative ramifications of such Medication. This is a Policy that is being pushed by The Left under the disguise of ‘Compassion’.

What The World experienced, as this Interview will likely get hundreds of Millions of Impressions in the next few days, is how Civil two Individuals can be, who are historically, ideologically far away from each other, but have been able to find common ground due to One Political Party (really The Administrative State that runs Both Parties) not fulfilling their obligations. While fabricated Polls claim Kamala is in the lead, The Public Sentiment is clearly with Trump. Never before have so many Records (not just in this one instance) been broken. The People rally behind Trump now more than ever. This is not just his “MAGA Cult”, this is Middle America, Suburban America, Housewives, Former Democrats, Former Liberals, and Independents. With the many problems facing America, a change is required. We have The Track Record for Trump and people are CRAVING normalcy & stability back in their lives.

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