A Federal Judge has Ruled that Google is a Monopoly and has Complete Dominance over Search & Advertisement, not just in America, but Globally. This was a Ruling to go AGAINST Google in an Anti-Trust Suit. The Judge claims Google has and still benefits from Default Distribution Agreements. This essentially means that because there are no other competition, in practical terms, Google benefits EVERY TIME.

There were multiple Anti-Trust Suits filed against Google, including from The Department of Justice, back in 2020. These Suits claimed Google violated ‘The Sherman Act’, created in 1890 to promote Fair Competition & Prevent Monopolies.

The Presiding Judge in this Case is Amit. P. Mehta, coming from a U.S. District Court of The District of Columbia. He claims Google has been in a Leveraged Position for the past 10 years. According to Judge Mehta, this is Illegal Monopolistic Activity of The Internet in The Niches of Search & Advertising.

Through the use of hiring thousands of highly-skilled engineers, constant innovation, and making shrewd business decisions, Google has been able to consolidate a trusted platform for The Industry's Highest Quality Search Engine. However, a byproduct of this is essentially no competition as Google serves as The Default.

We're aware of how Google has been suppressing information, censoring Individuals via YouTube (owned by Google), been lackluster with Advertisement Management (Keywords, YouTube Ads), and has intentionally manipulated Narrative to influence Major Events, such as The 2020 US Presidential Election.

We see a final nail in the coffin from The Judicial Branch, but this is a Civil Suit, thus no Criminal Penalty will be levied. Although, Federal Prosecutors can always use this Case as justification to levy charges on Individuals who are on Google's Board as well as Top Executives. The result of this Civil Suit would lean towards the breaking up of Google and creating many companies out of one.

There is an issue with this. The logistics of breaking down a giant conglomerate poses its own problems, BUT, The Individuals behind Google would likely still retain shares in the many companies that are formed out of this, IF Trust Busting actually goes into effect. Right now, Google serves as The Left's Online Terroristic Arm, thus there is no legitimate reason for The Powers behind the scenes to be in favor of Google's Monopolistic Break-Up.

If there were a break up, just as it occurred with Rockefeller, the wealth would still be held and concentrated in the few. Now, is there a possibility that new Leadership would be instated by force via Government Powers? This is always a possibility. Another alternative is that a break-up does occur, but it's largely for perception purposes; an effort to appease part of The Masses who claims foul.

We've seen a sound Ruling, but no Criminal Penalty for the Infringement of Civil Rights that Google has violated over and over again -- even just using the example of Election Interference or Violating The First Amendment at scale (Censorship of YouTubers). The only potential is a busting of Google, creating a spider of derivative companies. This Federal Judge may see The Truth of this Dominance, but there may not be substantial enforcement from The Executive Branch to utilize this Ruling.

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