NATO, via The US State Department, has green lit Ukraine's ability to strike DEEP within Russia. Ukraine was already green lit to attack Russia and seize territory, which has been accomplished, NOW they're being approved to strike with long-range missiles and damage areas where Civilians lie.

To be clear, Russia is still winning this Conflict. Russia has accumulated most of The Eastern Side of Ukraine, while Ukraine has a tiny part in The North secured. Russia has more Armaments & Bodies to throw at this Conflict. Ukraine is ONLY in the game due to The Support of NATO, NATO Allies, and The United States of America.

NATO has a reported $1 TRILLION War Chest, but that is dependent on if The West sees benefit in prolonged conflict. Right now, this Ukraine-Russian Proxy War operates as a form of Money Laundering for Elites, Politicians, & Military Contractors in The West. The MAJORITY of Money that is Congressionally approved for Ukraine ends up back in the pockets of our Military Contractors. In effect, US Taxpayers are handing money to Large Defense Corporations.

Our Current US State Department, as well as our Military Corporations, are extremely belligerent & reckless. The Western Bureaucratic System, which includes Western European Nations, believes they are impervious against Russia. They either don't understand the consequences of their actions or don't care. Either one of those options is terrifying for The American People.

Russia has A HARD LINE. If NATO crosses that hard line and Civilians + Russia's Existence is threatened, Russia will retaliate with Targeted Tactical Nuclear Arms. Russia can control the explosion, range, radiation, and overall detriment of these Arms, but Nuclear Warfare is not a type of Warfare we wish to engage in. It helps NO ONE.

We could've solved this Conflict when it initially began. The Biden Administration used Boris Johnson as a Liaison to Zelensky, the now Dictator of Ukraine (Elections cancelled). Zelensky was told to NOT create an agreement with Russia or Support would be withdrawn & there would be other potential dire consequences. Zelensky had no choice, but to continue to do the bidding of The West.

Hundreds of Thousands of Ukrainian and Russian Lives have been lost in this Conflict. We could've prevented this. Instead, NATO uses this conflict to Money Launder, spread Propaganda, undermine Russia, and further threaten Russia's existence by teetering on The Russian Border. NATO was initially created to combat The USSR. The USSR has since fallen and NATO has continued to expand. This is a threat to Russia, a Major Superpower. No other Superpower would accept what America & Europe is pursuing against Russia.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.