By now, everyone has already heard about the events unfolding in Springfield, Ohio. We essentially have over 20,000 Haitian Migrants who come from the sum total of over 100,000 that The Biden-Harris Administration imported back in 2021. The City is becoming unsustainable for US Citizens and Legal Residents; The City Manager, as well as other Bureaucrats, have been covering up this story to prevent more Media Attention.

These Haitians have learned to drive with different rules, they participate in a type of Voodoo Culture, and they pursue ANY and ALL animals for consumption even though The US Government is funding them to the tune of $1,600 per month. This is causing an OUTBREAK of Video Footage, showcasing pets who were stolen or stray animals, such as Cats & Geese, to be cooked and consumed.

Not only do we have Witness Footage, but we have BodyCam Footage of Officers -- this is widespread in other areas outside of Springfield as well. Local Residents are outraged as this particular City only has around 60,000 people. A flood of TENS OF THOUSANDS of Haitians now makes The City overburdened.

I mentioned how these Haitians learn to drive differently than our Laws in America. With this, we're seeing a SKYROCKET in car accidents. Not only is this causing damage to Property and potentially risking lives, but it's also DIRECTLY increasing The Insurance Premiums of Residents in that area. Insurance Companies have Actuaries that do a cost-benefit analysis of insuring. If an area is more risky, they increase Premiums to potentially cover a claim of coverage.

This now makes owning cars and duly insuring them almost unaffordable. Democrats are NOT acknowledging this issue and are shunning it as 'Disinformation' or 'blown out of proportion'. Some people on The Left are even criticizing those who share this News as racist or bigoted since consuming cats may be part of The Haitian Cuisine. This is absurd logic as these Haitians are ILLEGALS.

We only have an Illegal Migration issue due to The Current US Administration. They wish to implement a short-term and long-term effect. The short-term effect is to flood The Census and gain more Representation for Democrats in Congress. The other short-term effect is to have Illegals vote in Midterm and Presidential Elections, as many Counties are NOT requiring Identification of any form to cast your ballot.

The long-term effect of Illegal Migration ties into Controlling The Populous. You bring in a Population that is not culturally assimilated and offer them Benefits + Citizenship if they perform Service. Part of this Service is Law Enforcement and/or Military. At that point, these Illegals now have more authority than US Citizens. Strategic Ideologues can now use this Illegal Population to enforce Unconstitutional Orders. Illegals don't care either way since they're NOT American.

Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.