Hunter Biden has Pleaded GUILTY to 3 Felonies & 6 Misdemeanors, consisting of Tax Evasion and Gun Charges. Hunter's Lawyers attempted to pursue an 'Alfred Plea', which would've created a Guilty Plea while retaining Hunter Biden's Innocence. His Lawyers ended up agreeing to a Standard 'Guilty Plea' with Prosecution.

Hunter Biden faces up to 15 years in Prison and a $1M Fine if Convicted of 3 Felonies and subsequent 6 Misdemeanors. Hunter's Lawyer claimed Hunter did not want to create more Family Drama, thus his Guilty Plea.

Biden engaged in a 4-Year Scheme to evade $1.4M in Taxes in Self-Assessed Federal Taxes for 2016-2020. Hunter claims he "Forgot to File" just as many Millions of Americans do, thus his reason to remain Innocent.

If you're a Libertarian or Constitutionalist, you understand the issues faced when it comes to Firearm & Tax Charges. EVERY Law that exists AGAINST The Second Amendment is theoretically Unconstitutional and therefore Unlawful. In practical terms, whoever holds The Force is able to enforce whichever Laws they care to.

As for The Tax Situation, our Tax System is heavily manipulated and DOES NOT follow The Original 10 Bill of Rights. The Amendment that ratified the ability for Congress to Levy Taxes at ANY AMOUNT is antithetical to our Founding and was manipulated in order to pass as a Constitutional Amendment.

In practical terms, The IRS, The Executive Branch, and The Legislature, ALL rely on Taxes to fulfill their large and uncontrollable Budget. Even worse -- Government is able to PRINT Money out of thin air, yet they still Tax us. This makes Modern Day Taxation a Form of Control rather than a Form to Fund Government Expenditure.

A Flat 10% Consumption Tax would be the more Constitutional Approach, but that would step on the feet of The Current Hierarchy, which craves Power & Control.

The initial reason why Hunter Biden was FINALLY charged was to compare Hunter Biden's Prosecution to Trump's Prosecution. These are different layers of hierarchies with different severities, so they're not equivalent at all. However, The Media tried to create the perception that Our Justice System is working equally as intended.

While Hunter Biden Pleaded Guilty and is awaiting a Conviction, this was likely strategic. The Administrative State (those truly in charge of Our Nation) must still retain The Facade of The Presidency. They forced Joe Biden out as he was no longer a Sound Representative, but they can't let the illusion completely fall apart. Trickery must still ensue to create false perception to The American People.

There is time for President Joe Biden, Hunter's Father, to completely Pardon. This wouldn't be surprising and it would be completely Constitutional (assuming Joe Biden won The 2020 Election legitimately). Yes, there is Executive Privilege The President has; this is not up for Debate. The reason why Pardons exist is to counter any exploitation that other Factions of Government may have committed.

The ONLY issue with this entire situation is whether or not Joe Biden was duly Elected into The Presidency. If so, his Pardon action is proper. If not, we have experienced a Coup and ANY action committed by Joe Biden or his associates is considered Treason: Betrayal of One's Own Nation.

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