The World Health Organization, currently overseen by Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has Officially declared ‘MonkeyPox’ (MPOX) as a Global Health Emergency. The W.H.O. is claiming that MonkeyPox stems from Africa, but there is potential for this Virus to spread to other continents and eventually into The West. This Virus is spread primarily via Sexual Contact, as well as more casual methods. Some Individuals, such as Bill Gates (Assumed Medical Expert for The 2020 Pandemic), have claimed that children must be vaccinated to protect them from this Contagion. Based on the information I previously shared, it would make no logical sense to conclude children would be the target demographic for this Epidemic.

At this time, MonkeyPox Vaccines are limited in distribution and are not widely available at Local Health Chains. You are still able to find them, but in niche areas, depending on where you’re located. It is not currently advised by Major Medical Institutions to be inoculated as Medical Institutions have not caught up with The World Health Organization’s Urgency Claims.

The Primary Individuals who are being affected by this Virus are those who are part of The Homosexual Community. Because of this, Medical Institutions are not pushing too hard on this specific strain as they want to be “inclusive” and not offend those in certain communities tied to ‘LGBT’. Obviously, if there is a serious illness that is affecting people’s lives, there is no room for holding back. Information must be presented & distributed in an objective fashion, so Individuals can make the best decision for their lives.

This Virus operates similar to SmallPox, which has been eradicated since 1980. This looks like small bumps and sores over your body and is generally more mild than SmallPox. With Treatment, this Virus is not fatal, however, this strain is highly contagious through touch, kissing, bodily fluids, or contaminated surfaces. Those who are Immunocompromised may fare severely worse compared to the general statistics. While this Virus may be legitimate, it is being overblown for a specific Agenda that has been talked about overtly for years. The W.H.O. is part of The Western Bureaucratic Agenda to introduce crisis, enact Freedom-Restricting Policies, and come in as The Solution to fully or partially fabricated events; The Solution will come in the form of a Unified Global Governance.

Many in The West experienced COVID-19 and The Pandemic; jobs lost, domestic abuse surged, suicides surged, substance abuse surged, small businesses suffered, loved ones were not able to visit dying relatives — all of this has led to people being disillusioned by the facade that was presented to us. No longer are people accepting of blindly obeying a new outbreak, even if it’s legitimate. Skepticism amongst The General Census has drastically increased, making it harder for Nefarious Actors to manipulate & leverage. This results in The Western Bureaucracy adjusting their strategy of Totalitarian Control. This is done in a soft manner as to not wake people up, and have them voluntarily give up their Rights in exchange for a false sense of security.

Individuals, such as Klaus Schwab from The World Economic Forum, have overtly given speeches and written books about how they plan to induce Pandemic, War, and Financial Crisis. This will result in control of The Populous down the road. These Elites believe they are more intelligent than the rest of The Populous and desire to adjust Society in their vision. Their vision happens to remove Opportunity from us and bolster up a handful of Individuals into a privileged position, giving them almost infinite power.

This New Strategy is to induce multiple grand crisis simultaneously. With this, Elites are able to galvanize sections of The Population for each crisis. If over 60% of The Populous submitted during COVID, and that number would now theoretically fall to 30%, this means 3 grand crisis would be enough to control The Majority. All Elites would have to do is slightly adjust the Traditional Fear-Mongering Events and market them through their Media Distribution Channels.

Even if only a Minority of The Populous submits to a New Pandemic Outbreak, a Global-International Conflict, or a Large Financial-Banking Crisis, you can accumulate these Minorities and consolidate them. You now have The Majority wrapped around your finger through emotional appeal. With this, people no longer cognitively think. They are psychologically held hostage unknowingly, but voluntarily. This makes it easy to pass Policy, whether by Law or Mandate, and have those Edicts enforced by obedient Law Enforcement and/or Military.

As you lead up to the overall Strategy, you chip away at Individual Rights to make submission that much easier. When you’re able to censor Individuals, disarm them entirely, and make them financially depend on you, you have all the leverage. There is NOTHING any opposition can do against you that would significantly impact your Agenda.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.