The Democratic National Convention is ongoing; a Formal Meeting of Delegates and Selected Supporters to Nominate The Democrat Candidate for President of The United States. Outside The DNC hosts a 'Planned Parenthood' Truck that is offering FREE Abortions & Vasectomies. Planned Parenthood knows their demographic and which Political Aisle they lean towards, thus they have their services ready to be rendered -- supported by The US Taxpayer.

As per current reporting, there is a WAITING LIST for The Free Vasectomies. This means there is more DEMAND than there is current Supply when it comes to Democrat Men who wish to surgically sterilize themselves and potentially cause complications down the road. This will obviously result in Men who are NO LONGER able to have Offspring. Yes, Men can freeze their Sperm, if they utilized that option, but survival of Sperm after being Frozen isn't guaranteed and there is another Party required, thus adding more complication.

Now, every Consenting Adult Individual has The Right to do whatever they'd like with their body -- strictly speaking about Vasectomies, BUT, this displays how Supporters of One Political Party are quite literally removing themselves from existence for frivolous reasons. If a Man was already infertile, he wouldn't require a Vasectomy, thus any reason for an unnatural, surgical procedure to remove The Biological Reason you exist is considered frivolous. Climate Change, Financial Hardship, Over-Indulgence with Sex, Nihilistic View of The World -- these reasons can be mitigated and adjusted to change your outlook on Life.

As for Abortions, Women are participating in an akin procedure that is quite literally removing Unique Genetic Code from existence. There is nuance to this. You are 50% of that child's DNA, thus you have more authority than The State in many regards, such as with Parental Rights. We have 'Evolutionary Infanticide', which I'm not culturally advocating for, but it's inherent within Animals and Mammals for various reasons, such as Birth Defects and Financial or Resource Instability. From a practical point of view, Parents could be ruined if they had to care for an Individual who was genetically sick.

At the same time, this is a Human Life and it has potential to grow, have opportunity, and prosper. The child didn't do anything wrong, thus to punish it by removing it from existence would be a Violation of Human Rights. The solution is a threshold. Anything UNDER this threshold is a no questions asked Policy and The Individual has Full Autonomy along with Consent from The Other Parent. Anything ABOVE this threshold is considered Murder and Parties involved are complicit in Criminal Action.

To be clear, an 'Abortion' is to literally abort The Fetus. There are many cases in which Termination of Life is NOT necessary. Many Women will participate in Abortion because they do NOT value The Man who they created Genetic Code with, thus they don't want those genes to exist. This is a subconscious calculation, but an instinctual one.

We prioritize The Mother in The Majority of cases, but we DO NOT need to Abort a Child for the sake of Aborting. A Parent does not have to keep The Child, but may still be Financially Obligated since you host 50% of DNA. This Financial Situation can be mediated with rationale between Parent, State, & potentially Third-Party. There are other outlets for children who are not wanted. That entire industry needs to be reformed as it is abysmal in many areas. However, THAT IS an option over Abortion. A Child must be able to exist in this World, make his or her own decisions, and decide for themselves if they truly want to exist or not.

In a Utopian World, we would advocate for No Abortions along with all of the other Idealistic fantasies we have for Individuals, Ourselves, & Society. In a Realistic World, we understand what is viable and what is not. This has no bearing on The US Constitution, but we must also take into account winning Political Power to induce other positive changes for Society, thus adjustments within certain Policies are required.

Regardless of this analysis, The DNC, their Constituency, and their Supporters, largely support Abortion & Vasectomies at scale, when this should be something that is for The Minority. The Majority of Abortions are Elective, meaning there was no incident of Rape or Incest. We are seeing These Democrat Pawns give up their Biological Prerogative, Destroy their own Families or Future Families, and Annihilate The Future of Their Base.

This is why, one of the many reasons, The Left pursues children who are not theirs -- because they don't have children of their own. At this rate, The Birth Rate is higher in proportion with those who are on The Right. Even within The Right, it's divided between Christians and Muslims. Muslims are out-competing Christians in terms of succession via having Offspring.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.