The 'SAVE Act', Safeguard American Voter Eligibility, has FAILED to pass in The House of Representatives. This Act was paired with 'Continuing Resolution', which is essentially an Omnibus Bill with the same expenditures as the previous year. The controversy over The 'SAVE Act' is that it MUST be passed in order to prevent Voter Fraud by ensuring ONLY US Citizens are eligible to vote. The opposing camp claims it is ALREADY Unconstitutional for Illegal Aliens to vote, therefore passing The 'SAVE Act' doesn't change anything.

As for 'Continuing Resolution' -- it is Unconstitutional for Congress to pass ONE BILL that contains MANY BILLS. This is what we refer to as an Omnibus Bill. You must separate The Bills and independently vote on each one of them. Regardless, Congress still passes Omnibus Bills without pushback. Having a 'Continuing Resolution' means no budget cuts, which America CANNOT afford. We require severe budget cuts, especially to our Social & Welfare Programs; these programs take up most of The Federal Budget and are not productive. Even if they were productive, we are severely in debt as a Nation.

The 'SAVE Act' is nice in theory, but ultimately, passing Legislation DOES NOT enforce Law. This Act is also tied into our 'Continued Resolution'. We would require separation of the two for legitimacy. That's the job of The Executive Branch. We understand that Congress Members want to FEEL like they're doing something productive, so they attempt to Pass Bills. There are only two options those in Congress truly have -- to do nothing or to Pass Bills. It's actually much preferable for Congress Members to DO NOTHING and vote against 98% of Bills that circulate The House Floor.

America was designed by our Founding Fathers to be a Gridlocked System. This was intentional. Why? Every time Congress passes Bills, we lose our Freedom by having some Infringement of our Rights. Laws are ideally supposed to DEFINE what is and what is not Constitutional. However, most Laws go against our Individual Rights rather than define them. This is why Congress has a Filibuster. This is to have a long, drawn out debate over a Bill that is never required to end. This is a preventative measure as well as to provide delay for as long as possible.

Over time, America will succumb and be burdened by so many Laws on the books. We will essentially be over-Governed and have little of our Rights left, in practical terms. On Paper, we hold our Constitutional Rights, but by Culture, our Rights will deteriorate.

The point of The 'SAVE Act' is to prevent Election Fraud and ensure this upcoming US Election remains safeguarded. Americans generally agree with this sentiment, unless you want to participate in the demise of The United States. So, what's the solution if passing a Bill is not it? We require Local Law Enforcement to enforce The Current Law as it stands. It is ALREADY Unlawful for Illegal Aliens, those on VISAs, or even those who have been given Temporary Protective Status, to vote in any Sanctified Election. This is a Right reserved for US Citizens only.

Local Law Enforcement must allow Poll Watchers of the two Primary Parties. LEOs must ensure extra ballots are not brought in and tabulated. LEOs must ensure proper counting of ballots. LEOs must ensure Governor Mandates to adjust Election Law are not substantiated, as that would be the authority of State Legislature to adjust Law.

You must have Good Men in The Executive Branch ensure there is no coercion of Delegates in The Electoral College'; these are The Individuals who determine a Presidential Election. This is the idea -- those with Enforcement Power ENFORCE THE LAW. However, this is incumbent on Law Enforcement, which operates in a hierarchy, given proper Orders and obeying The US Constitution.

Those who side with Donald Trump have been focusing on the wrong areas. It's understandable you want to ensure people are Politically Aware, they go out and vote, and to adjust our State & Federal Laws when it comes to Elections. However, this is a moot point. Power derives from The Executive and those who hold Badges & Firearms. In a practical sense, THESE are The Individuals and Entities we need to get ahold of. Only then will we be able to ensure our Elections are Free & Fair.

Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.