A Federal Judge has approved for The Auction of Alex Jones' Company, InfoWars, via Summary Judgement. This is to, apparently, compensate The Families of The Sandy Hook Incident for Jones being Liable of 'Defamation'. Damages were initially $2.75 Trillion, which is larger than most GDPs of Nations, but was reduced down to $1 Billion, which Jones still doesn't have The Funds for.

Auction for Trademarks, Copyrights, & Websites will be on November 13th, 2024. Auction for Studio Equipment will be on December 10th. We are seeing an Unconstitutional Summary Judgement (without Trial) to determine HOW Liable an Individual is. Then, instead of ensuring The Sandy Hook Families can be truly compensated, you shut down The Business that would produce Cash Flow.

This entire situation is NOT about compensating The Families of Sandy Hook. This is about silencing Alex Jones at all costs. This is Malpractice on behalf of The Lawyers representing The Sandy Hook Families and an Unlawful Action of Removal of Private Property by The Judge. You may penalize a Company by auctioning off items if there is a Just Cause, but to remove Intellectual Property signifies disemboweling of a Company, effectively making The Company Null & Void.

The State DOES NOT have The Right to make a Company Null & Void as that would be removal of Private Property Rights. You may garnish Net Profit and use that to Justly Enrich The Plaintiffs, as intended, but that's the extent of your Power. To go beyond this is Injustice at every angle.

Jones, whatever you may think about him, never received a Legitimate Trial. 'Summary Judgement' is when The Judge makes a unilateral decision. You have a Right to a Trial by a Jury of your Peers. Jones was never given that. Let's also mention that this 'Defamation' Case didn't have Merit. NO ONE, except one potential Individual in passing, was specifically mentioned when Jones questioned The Sandy Hook Event. Thus, Jones is NOT Liable for Reptuational and Monetary Damages.

It's understandable these Family Members are upset due to the incident, but Individuals have an Abolsute Right to Freely Speak & Express, including questioning Events, whether True or False. If Jones has mentioned Individuals by name and spouted incorrect information that ruined their Reputation and Ability to Generate Income, this case would have more Merit. We have an FBI Special Agent who was a responder to The Sandy Hook Event. Somehow he is entitled to $50M from Jones. This Man was never Defamed. This is a Frivolous Lawsuit at every layer you inspect it.

The Government couldn't overtly pursue Jones to shut down his Individual Rights, thus they participated in action to covertly ruin him. Because Government is using Proxy to remove someone's Individual Rights, this entire situation is Unconstitutional.

At this point in time, there is active pursuit to remove Jones' ability to use his own Name. Judges wish to seize Jones' Social Media and his ability to use ANY Social Media in the future, which also happens to generate Revenue. You are trying to remove someone's identity from them. This is not Lawful under any circumstance.

You may go after The Business, but Jones is free to operate as a Sovereign Individual. He is also free to operate New Businesses or join other Businesses. You may not like it, but this is how we prevent exploitation from an Authoritarian Government. By all metrics, this is what's occurring in real time.

Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.
Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.