The Opening Ceremony for The Olympics has come and gone. What we witnessed was something akin to an Alternative Reality, never before thought we would see a type of debauchery of this level. To further explain: We had the mimicking of ‘The Last Supper’. This was a final meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his crucifixion. DaVinci is largely popularized for his painting of.

We had the opening of “the meal” with a plate cover lifting, which then realized what was underneath — people ranging of different shapes & sizes, different orientations, flamboyant, and of different artificial colors (Individuals with painted bodies). Now, Individuals are free to do what they choose, however, we are showcasing The Olympics, where Nations simulate War through the function of competition. Flamboyant, esoteric, bizarre showcasing of debauchery has no room in this realm.

What we also witnessed was an Individual who had his testicles out from the bottom of his shorts. This actually caused The Olympics to remove footage all over Social Media in an effort to erase what they had televised. With this effect, Individuals on X, just as an example, were ‘Locked’ out of their Accounts for Copyright Infringement. We had other notions of ‘Satanism’, where a severed, bloody head was displayed.

The Olympics was initially created to worship The Gods in Ancient Greece. This was held in Olympus and was demarcated to occur every 4 years. Over time, The World adopted and continued this trend as a form of competition. Traditionally, through Evolution, Humans are Tribal, thus we pursue land, resources, & women in Conquest. Other interests, incentives, & motives have erupted over time.

Instead of pursuing War, which obviously still occurs around The Globe, Humanity hosts The Olympic Games. We have the same concept with sports. Rather than physically enforcing ourselves upon others where the risks are loss of property & life, we have a much smaller stake where emotions, resources, & efforts are still highly involved. This is a type of substitute for War, although not a perfect substitute.

What we have, instead of our Traditional Competition, is the showcasing of Cultural Perversion. This has now affected every part of The Western World. The East still largely DOES NOT entertain such Contortion of Reality, but they are complicit in a sense that it’s hard to escape when you must align with The West for The Olympic Games.

This type of Cultural Perversion only comes about when basic problems are solved and The Standard of Living is high enough to the point where The Human Brain manufactures problems to solve. This becomes an extravagant, irrational hedonic display of indulgence. We’ve seen Periods of Time like this before, famously with The Roman Empire when they hit their peak. This did not involve everyone, but those at The Top of Society, where Individuals were participatory in drunk orgies and even pedophilia — another example of Perversion of The Reality around them.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.