After The Conclusion of The Venezuelan Presidential Election, clashes on the street have turned deadly. Nicolas Madura has claimed Victory despite The Opposition Party claiming Severe Fraudulent Election Activity. Opposing Party Representatives, Edmundo González & María Corina Machado, have now been threatened by Maduro’s Regime for speaking out against The Election. Much of Social Media is circulating with violent actions on the street, showcasing clashes between Police & National Armed Forces vs The People of Venezuela.

In some instances, Police decidedly removed their uniforms to join The Protestors in solidarity — partially because they agree with their sentiment and partially because they are overrun and would face fatal backlash if they did not submit. Many videos have displayed how Madura’s Armed Forces BLOCKED OFF Polling Stations, preventing Citizens from properly voting; in tandem with this are Maduro’s Hired Gangs who allegedly carried Poll Boxes away. This instance has been reported to be false on X via Community Notes with the claim that these were simply AC Systems that were being carried out. This is still in dispute.

Over 750 Individuals have been arrested for Sedition against Maduro’s Regime. Maduro, through this Election, has secured another 6 Year Term as Venezuela’s President. Much of the data shows Maduro was decently behind his opposition, Gonzalez, for WEEKS, but narrowly beat him The Day of The Election. Many are calling for a Comprehensive Audit of The Venezuelan Election; Maduro claims he will run an investigation into the matter. This act to appease The People of Venezuela and prevent further backlash of his Ruling. Maduro will likely NOT investigate potential Fraudulent Activity of The Election, as doing so would go against his personal interests.

The Secretary of State for The United States, Antony Blinken, has come out and essentially disavowed The Venezuelan Election, claiming that the Integrity of The Election System must remain in tact as America does not support Fraudulent Outcomes. This is somewhat ironic as this Current Administration participated in “The Most Extensive and Inclusive Voter Fraud Organization” in US History — using the words of Joe Biden.

Venezuela has been in decline for DECADES, especially after Chavez & Maduro took power (Chavez 1999, Maduro 2013). Venezuela used to be one of the wealthiest Nations in The World due to their large Oil Reserves, but poor policies have consequences. Venezuela now sits on the brink of Civil War as Maduro struggles to maintain his Authority & Political Ruling. Much of his policies have led to poor Economic Outlook via 50% Inflation, Massive Corporate Corruption, and a Lack of Individual Rights for The Populous via Dissidents thrown in prison.

What we’re seeing in Venezuela, is SIGN of what is possible in America. Right now, we experience coups in covert manners, although, many of us can see them unfolding right in front of our eyes. To the Vast Majority of The Population, these coups are silent and unnoticeable. However, as Regimes become more brazen as they succeed with their crimes of securing Power, they will start to enact change in OVERT manners. Venezuela is an example of this.

The Threshold has been broken and now The People of Venezuela are starting to clash with the Regime. Maduro still has the opportunity to suppress Protests & Riots, but there is a chance The People could win Victory over an Authoritarian, Socialist Party.

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