Jamie Raskin, Democrat US Representative from Maryland, has come out and made remarks that it is up to Congress to disqualify Donald Trump if he wins The Presidential Election. A video clip of Raskin is circulating to showcase his statement in full context. Essentially, Raskin claims we need more Amendments, Congressional Authority, & Personal Bodyguards to remove Trump and protect The Elites from a Civil War Uprising.

What does this mean in simple terms? These Individuals do not care for our Constitutional Republic. They care for a Democracy that is essentially Socialism in disguise. Many times, they OVERTLY tell us they want Socialism, especially when they frame it in fragments, such as “Free Healthcare” or “Free Education”.

Jamie Raskin embodies what many, if not most, Democrats think & feel. That is that THEY (those in the same monolithic club) need “Democracy” (Elites at the top and everyone else at the bottom) and they must pursue all avenues to ensure no “Authoritarian Dictators” are able to win (block Trump or someone like Trump because he’s a threat to The Status Quo System).

These Individuals essentially want to co-opt parts of our Government, which has already happened. Congress, rather The House, has passed an ‘Anti-Semitic’ Bill, which is on behalf of Israel. This Bill inherently goes against The First Amendment via Free Speech & Expression. Our Judicial Branch via Attorney Generals & District Attorneys, largely Rule AGAINST Meritocracy and Rule FOR The Narrative they support. Our Executive Branch, specifically our Department of Justice and many Federal Agencies (such as FBI, CIA, DEA, DHS) all favor the interests of The DOJ instead of our Constitutional Basis.

The Left will gather more Central Authority, form One Political Party, and character assassinate, politically prosecute, & terminate ANYONE who is an obstacle in their way. Raskin is bringing up the idea of Congress disqualifying Trump AFTER he’s legitimately won The 2024 Election. This is Treason. Their strategy is to enact actions in a progression and get more radical if a previous action fails. Whatever they’re able to get away with, with limited Criminal or Civil Liability, that’s what they’ll pursue.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.