Kyle Rittenhouse came out and attacked Donald Trump for his stance AGAINST The Second Amendment, claiming that Trump had implemented negative Policies against Gun Ownership. A few of The Policies enacted against The Second Amendment were a ban on "Bump Stocks" and approving sentiment for 'Red Flag' Gun Laws. With this came negative backlash against Rittenhouse, particularly on X (Formerly Twitter), where MAGA Supporters bombarded Rittenhouse with insults.

While Rittenhouse was correct in his assessment against Former US President Trump, there is nuance that is required. Much of the Policies against The Second Amendment were done by The General Administration OR other parts of Government that Trump had little to no control over. Yes, it was during Trump's Presidency, but that doesn't mean Trump directly gave The Order to enact negative Policies -- in fact, he may have been AGAINST these Policies, but The Larger Administrative State utilized an Agenda that overrode Trump.

There was sentiment from Trump, in REASONABLE situations, to ensure Gun Safety, but Trump may now understand how "Reasonable Laws" are constantly exploited against Good People. Trump's stance on certain sentiments, such as 'Red Flag' Laws may be different today than they were a few years ago.

Our Current Deep State aims, in a reductive explanation, to disarm The Population with Public Sentiment. This is done through Emotional Manipulation and by False Flag Operations. Over time, Gun Culture adjusts from a type of Protection against Tyranny & General Self-Defense to ONLY Government should hold that Authoritative Power -- a direct contradiction to why We The People have been given The Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the first place.

Rittenhouse came out after negative backlash and announced he had recent conversations with The Trump Team. This apparently had cleared up some misconceptions, therefore Rittenhouse is now fully behind President Trump for The 2024 US Election. Trump would've been the only proper candidate regardless, as Kamala Harris, Trump's contender, is wholly against The Second Amendment. Even if Trump had some stances and Policies that were trivial, he [Trump] would still be a better candidate.

Rittenhouse is all about "NO COMPROMISE". While that sentiment is understandable as our Second Amendment is an Absolute Right, it is impractical in The World of Politics, where interests, incentives, & motives rule. It is extremely difficult to preserve our Rights when Interests are constantly removing them. The best many Politicians can do is compromise.

Much of The MAGA Supporters who went against Rittenhouse spouted nasty comments about how Trump supported Rittenhouse during Rittenhouse's acquittal, and how Rittenhouse should've been sentenced and locked up instead of exoneration. These abhorrent comments do not signify how Principled many on The Right are, but how they are indoctrinated into a similar type of Culture The Left is. The Right IS more reasonable via Logic Utilization, but Humans are Humans, thus we are fallible to Emotional Investment.

People must be righteous in their convictions, but be able to justify their convictions through Logic & Rationale. Without that, we are a Nation without Fundamentals & Principles, and we are no better than the Radicals at either extreme of The Political Aisle. Although many of The MAGA Supporters forgave Rittenhouse after his flippant adjustment to support President Trump, we saw a Cult that did not want to engage in Reasonable Debate.

Unity is required now more than ever to ensure America has a future. The Future Generations will likely not know nor understand the amount of Opportunity we have held in this Nation for so long. It will be those who do not hold onto Principles, and apply those Principles no matter the circumstance, who cause the downfall of this Great American Empire. It's easy to be Tribal as we have evolved in that fashion; to utilize our Pre-Frontal Cortex, even for arguments we disagree with -- that is more difficult, but a necessary endeavor.

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Constitutes - We The People Constitutes Logo.