A Microsoft-Crowdstrike issue has caused the LARGEST Information Technology Outage in World History. This is of course only achieved because Society generally advances & progresses forward as time goes on, thus there is a larger infrastructure and a larger Populous that is affected by phenomenon, such as this. Businesses, Banks, Airports, Financial Services, & Medical Offices were all disrupted as their Linked Systems became unusable. According to Crowdstrike, a Cyber-Security Giant, they experienced a Major Disruption in tandem with a Recent System Update; this is apparently what caused an entire System Crash.

What The World experienced for a brief period of time, is that a singular technological update can and HAS disrupted people’s way of life. It may be a slight inconvenience in the moment as technology is restored promptly, but this incident shows how WEAK our General Infrastructure is and how reliant people & businesses are on Centralized Systems.

There is a potential this was a legitimate Cyber Attack that is being disguised as a simple haphazard incident. This Cyber Attack could be by a Foreign Adversary, such as China, or even North Korea, OR this could be done as a testing and conditioning stage by Western Bureaucratic Ideologues who have openly spouted how potential Cyber Attacks are imminent. This aligns with these Western Ideologues’ ideology as they wish to disrupt The Western Systems and reimagine them in their own perspective with themselves at the top, of course.

According to Information Technology Experts, there was simple code that had not been addressed with The Crowdstrike System Update, leaving a Memory Gap. When The Software tried to grab or pull from that compartment that had No Memory, it shorted out and crashed The Entire System. Due to the nature of integration, this System affected only Windows Operating Systems. This is somewhat ironic as The Company, Crowdstrike, is designed to identify Digital Hijacks and combat them — they essentially failed to test their own Software before updating The System.

What we saw were planes grounded, transactions barred, inaccessible hotel reservations & accommodations, non-rendering of Medical Services, effectively leading many Services, including The Coast Guard, to use Manual or Analog Systems for communication & processing. Not too long ago, Dealership Businesses also experienced a Digital Outage and were unable to order parts, just as an example. In that situation, MANY businesses around The Nation, including Third-Party Mechanic Shops, who rely on the same System for parts, were all defunct for a period of days.

This may not have been a Cyber Attack, which shows a form of incompetence, but also displays a realization that more DECENTRALIZED Systems are required to provision against negative events. Centralized Systems are technically easier to manage and use, but they do not provide enough diversity & access in Emergency Situations. At the same time, this could’ve been a Cyber Attack Play, whether legitimate or illegitimate.

The legitimate aspect of this would be Foreign Nations meddling in our Infrastructure to degrade our Country over time. Rather than signify overt conflict, which adds risk & liability, you suppress & regress a nation by disruption. The illegitimate aspect of this would be if Entities, such as The World Economic Forum, colluded to test and/or condition The Populous with Cyber Outages. Over time, The Populous gets used to these Outages and expects it as The Norm. Eventually, Society degrades & decays into an environment that is no longer recognizable. However, by then, it will be The Status Quo. The Strategy for how Ideological Operations like this are enabled is to GRADUALLY adjust. Over the course of months, years, and decades, people will NOT notice these subtle changes until it’s too late to reverse the damage that’s been done.

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